Hotel Bookings

The HotelBooking service manages the complete hotel booking process, from initial search to final confirmation.

Authentication | Authorization

It follows standard UBIO authentication and authorization process, please refer to here for more details.

Common Response Codes

  • 200 OK - Request successful
  • 400 Bad Request - Invalid request parameters
  • 401 Unauthorized - Invalid or missing authentication
  • 403 Forbidden - Valid authentication but insufficient permissions
  • 404 Not Found - Resource not found
  • 500 Server Error - Internal server error

Booking States

A booking can have the following states (BookingState):

  • Started: The booking has been initiated
  • Pending: The booking is in progress or awaiting some inputs
  • Finished: The booking has been completed either successfully or unsuccessfully

Booking Stages

During the process, a booking goes through different stages (BookingStage):

  • PriceCheck: Initial price verification where you get available rooms and rates
  • RoomSelection: Room selection phase where you can if required select a specific room from the available rooms
  • StartBooking: Beginning of booking process where it is actually executed the process of booking the room based on initial arguments
  • ProcessingBooking: Processing the booking is a middle stage where it is either awaiting some inputs or processing the booking
  • FinalPriceConsent: Where you are required to confirm the final price of the booking
  • BookingConfirmation: This is the final stage reached when you hace confirmed the booking
  • Failed: The booking has failed

BookingStatus Object

  "bookingId": "uuid",
  "clientId": "string",
  "state": "Pending",
  "stage": "RoomSelection",
  "createdAt": "2024-01-01T00:00:00Z",
  "succeededAt": null,
  "failedAt": null,
  "error": null,
  "availableRooms": [],
  "priceBreakdown": [],
  "finalPrice": null,
  "confirmation": null

Get Room Prices

Get initial room prices for a given search criteria

Code sample

curl -X POST '' \
    -H 'Bearer <token>' \
--data '{
  "search": {
    "hotelId": "hotel123",
    "checkIn": "2024-03-01",
    "nights": 2,
    "guests": 2

Success Responses

Status 200

  "requestId": "57487287-f002-4ab7-89b4-8386f7cb1b30",
  "result": {
    "hotelId": "f77c096f-6ca2-4b91-8b18-00004ad8429e",
    "checkIn": "2025-02-15",
    "nights": 1,
    "guests": 2,
    "rooms": [
        "name": "Standard Double Room",
        "capacity": 2,
        "rates": [
            "name": "Advance Purchase",
            "baseRate": {
              "value": 57300,
              "currencyCode": "gbp"
            "taxes": [],
            "occupancy": 2,
            "breakfastIncluded": false,
            "refundable": {
              "available": false
            "rule": "default",
            "fees": [],
            "description": "Deposit Required<>Room only rate, inclusive of VAT.",
            "priceId": "c03b53345d2ee51a"
            "name": "Flexible Rate",
            "baseRate": {
              "value": 60000,
              "currencyCode": "gbp"
            "taxes": [],
            "occupancy": 2,
            "breakfastIncluded": false,
            "refundable": {
              "available": true,
              "untilDate": "2025-02-13"
            "rule": "default",
            "fees": [],
            "description": "Guaranteed with Credit Card<>Room only rate, inclusive of VAT and excluding 5% rooms service charge.",
            "priceId": "bcb202f07bb63175"
        "description": "Large windows overlooking the courtyard or with city views. The perfect urban retreat.",
        "images": [
            "type": "Link",
            "name": "CRS",
            "url": ""
            "type": "Link",
            "name": "VScape",
            "url": ""

List of available rooms with prices

Confirm availability and price

Confirm if the room is available, the price is correct and return correspondings priceId's

Code sample

curl -X POST '' \
    -H 'Bearer <token>' \
--data '{
  "bookingPriceId": "price123",
  "requestId": "req123",
  "simulateBooking": false

Success Responses

Status 200

  "bookingId": "80c63970-05ae-4920-b7c4-563d27bd63af",
  "clientId": "26c177b8-5233-4f17-92b4-4573ef9f9394",
  "state": "pending",
  "stage": "startBooking",
  "createdAt": "2025-02-03T12:51:35.927Z",
  "succeededAt": null,
  "failedAt": null,
  "error": null,
  "availableRooms": [
      "name": "Standard Double Room",
      "description": "Queen-size bed and cosy sitting area with walk-in shower. Large windows overlooking the courtyard or with city views. The perfect urban retreat.",
      "images": [
          "type": "Link",
          "name": "Image",
          "url": ""
          "type": "Link",
          "name": "Image",
          "url": ""
      "rates": [
          "name": "Advance Purchase",
          "description": "Room only rate, inclusive of VAT.",
          "baseRate": {
            "value": 54100,
            "currencyCode": "gbp"
          "priceId": "92653aeb66b5c7b7",
          "taxes": [],
          "breakfastIncluded": false,
          "allInclusive": false,
          "refundable": {
            "available": false
          "rule": "default",
          "fees": []
          "name": "Flexible Rate",
          "description": "Room only rate, inclusive of VAT and excluding 5% rooms service charge.",
          "baseRate": {
            "value": 60000,
            "currencyCode": "gbp"
          "priceId": "bcb202f07bb63175",
          "taxes": [],
          "breakfastIncluded": false,
          "allInclusive": false,
          "refundable": {
            "available": false
          "rule": "default",
          "fees": []

Room available, booking can start

  "bookingId": "80c63970-05ae-4920-b7c4-563d27bd63af",
  "clientId": "26c177b8-5233-4f17-92b4-4573ef9f9394",
  "state": "pending",
  "stage": "roomSelection",
  "createdAt": "2025-02-03T12:51:35.927Z",
  "succeededAt": null,
  "failedAt": null,
  "error": {
    "category": "client",
    "code": "ClientError",
    "message": "Price not found by `bookingPriceId`. Use a different `priceId` from `availableRooms`"
  "availableRooms": [
      "name": "Standard Double Room",
      "description": "Queen-size bed and cosy sitting area with walk-in shower. Large windows overlooking the courtyard or with city views. The perfect urban retreat.",
      "images": [
          "type": "Link",
          "name": "Image",
          "url": ""
          "type": "Link",
          "name": "Image",
          "url": ""
      "rates": [
          "name": "Advance Purchase",
          "description": "Room only rate, inclusive of VAT.",
          "baseRate": {
            "value": 54100,
            "currencyCode": "gbp"
          "priceId": "92653aeb66b5c7b7",
          "taxes": [],
          "breakfastIncluded": false,
          "allInclusive": false,
          "refundable": {
            "available": false
          "rule": "default",
          "fees": []
          "name": "Flexible Rate",
          "description": "Room only rate, inclusive of VAT and excluding 5% rooms service charge.",
          "baseRate": {
            "value": 60000,
            "currencyCode": "gbp"
          "priceId": "bcb202f07bb63175",
          "taxes": [],
          "breakfastIncluded": false,
          "allInclusive": false,
          "refundable": {
            "available": false
          "rule": "default",
          "fees": []

Booking not available, needing room selection

Get Booking Status

Returns the current status of a booking by its ID.

Code sample

curl -X GET '{bookingId}/status' \
    -H 'Bearer <token>' 

Success Responses

Status 200

  "bookingId": "80c63970-05ae-4920-b7c4-563d27bd63af",
  "clientId": "2462ca78-8e79-4774-aa10-e89f8f34b4ee",
  "state": "pending",
  "stage": "finalPriceConsent",
  "createdAt": "2025-02-03T12:51:35.927Z",
  "succeededAt": null,
  "failedAt": null,
  "error": null,
  "finalPrice": {
    "price": {
      "value": 54100,
      "currencyCode": "gbp"

Current booking status with available information based on stage

Process Booking

Provides inputs for a booking with guest and payment information.

Code sample

curl -X POST '{bookingId}' \
    -H 'Bearer <token>' \
--data '{
  "details": {
    "mainGuest": {
      "person": {
        "firstName": "John",
        "lastName": "Doe"
      "contact": {
        "email": "",
        "phone": "+1234567890"
  "payment": {
    "card": {
      "type": "credit",
      "holderName": "John Doe",
      "expirationDate": "12/25"
  "panToken": "token123"

Success Responses

Status 200

  "bookingId": "80c63970-05ae-4920-b7c4-563d27bd63af",
  "clientId": "2462ca78-8e79-4774-aa10-e89f8f34b4ee",
  "state": "pending",
  "stage": "processingBooking",
  "createdAt": "2025-02-03T12:51:35.927Z",
  "succeededAt": null,
  "failedAt": null,
  "error": null

Booking status after initialization

Select Room

Selects a room for the booking based on bookingPriceId. This end-point will only be used when the selected room/rate is not currently available, and a new one needs to be selected.

Code sample

curl -X POST '{bookingId}/select-room' \
    -H 'Bearer <token>' \
--data '{
  "bookingPriceId": "price123"

Success Responses

Status 200

  "bookingId": "80c63970-05ae-4920-b7c4-563d27bd63af",
  "clientId": "2462ca78-8e79-4774-aa10-e89f8f34b4ee",
  "state": "pending",
  "stage": "processingBooking",
  "createdAt": "2025-02-03T12:51:35.927Z",
  "succeededAt": null,
  "failedAt": null,
  "error": null

Updated booking status after room selection

Confirm Booking

Confirms the booking with the existing final price for the booking.

Code sample

curl -X POST '{bookingId}/confirm' \
    -H 'Bearer <token>' 

Success Responses

Status 200

  "bookingId": "80c63970-05ae-4920-b7c4-563d27bd63af",
  "clientId": "2462ca78-8e79-4774-aa10-e89f8f34b4ee",
  "state": "finished",
  "stage": "bookingConfirmation",
  "createdAt": "2025-02-03T12:51:35.927Z",
  "succeededAt": "2025-02-03T12:51:35.927Z",
  "confirmation": {
    "reservationNumber": "ABC123",
    "hotelConfirmationNumber": "XYZ789"

Booking status with confirmation details

Cancel Booking

Cancels an active booking.

Code sample

curl -X POST '{bookingId}/cancel' \
    -H 'Bearer <token>' 

Success Responses

Status 200

  "bookingId": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000",
  "state": "Finished",
  "stage": "Failed"

Updated booking status after cancellation